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How about a master cleanse detox diet?
Hmmmm . . . Lot's of people are trying this.
This program is a no carb program, and a body cleansing program combined. The foods in the program include cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and spring water. Apparently, all these foods also are highly recommended in fat burning.
Does the cleanse work? Do you gain back your lost pounds immediately after using it? Is this carb, and body cleansing fast safe? Is totally abstaining from food for more than ten days, really o.k.?
Thousands, of people use the fast, and love it!
So, what is this cleanse? Most of all does it really work? Let's find out.
See the video (9:43 minutes) The Master Cleanse Program
Basics of the Lemon Detox Diet?
This lemonade diet is basically a freshly squeezed lemon juice plan. A customized juice fast that allows no food, and cleans you of the unwanted junk within the system. However, there is no proof that the system is actually cleaned. Also, the lemonade cleanse replaces your normal eating regimen with maple syrup, spring water and lemons, and cayenne spice.
The time frame for this customized lemonade diet recipe, should be for at least ten days. You can use it as a seven day eating plan, or even stretch it out for up to three months (there are some people on YouTube doing this).
The lemonade cleansing diet, and fast has not proven to be harmful over the short term. Although, long term use is not recommended. It is not make clear what the short, or long term time frames consist of. So, it could just be dependent on what you can handle.
Okay, so what exactly is the lemonade master cleanse?
The Master Cleanser, and founder of the lemonade diet detox plan
First let's talk about Stanley Burroughs, born in 1903 - 1991.
Mr. Burroughs is the inventor of the famed Master Cleanse lemonade recipe, and self-taught in the art of helping himself, and others regain an exuberant lifestyle. You may be asking yourself, why is a girl who loves color wheels talking about the master cleanser. Well, Stanley Burroughs is a very popular book writer, and published a book in 1976 about color therapy, and pressure points. The book is called "Healing for the age of enlightenment.
Colored light therapy was among his favorite lifestyle activities. He was also a bit of a hippy, in that he loved to walk around clothes less, and was a strict vegetarian.
People really trusted him. A lot of people actually let him practice, or experiment on them with his many remedies. Mr. Stanley Burroughs was self taught, and since he held no license, he was in trouble a lot resulting from trying to help others with his treatments.
The benefits of the master lemon cleanse recipe
natural lemons
- full of anti-oxidants
- reduces the risk of cancer
- boosts immunity
- aids the digestive system
- stimulates the liver to produce bile
cayenne pepper
- stimulates circulation
- neutralizes acid within the body
- promotes digestive aid
- promotes good oral health, helps produce saliva, and helps eliminate tooth and gum problems
- prevents blood clots
- anti-inflammatory agent
- helps relieve allergies
- breaks up mucus in the body
- helps prevent migraine headaches
- eases stomach, sore throats, heartburn, hemorrhoids, and nausea
- helps normalize blood pressure, and
maple syrup (grade b or darker)
- fat free
- has less calories than honey
- protects against cancer, diabetes, and bacterial infections
- all natural maple tree sap
spring water
- spring water is purified by the earth, and the best water you can drink
The disadvantages
- A thick white coating will form on your tongue, and may even feel a little bit fuzzy and/or cheezy (approximately at day two of the fast). There are so many different definitions of what this coating could be, that I will not get into that here. Only to say that you should not stop the fast until, your tongue is a clear pink color, with no coating at all.
- Although you are not eating you will still be going to the bathroom very often throughout the day. The toxins in your body are becoming loose, and moving through your intestines, so you may even feel cramping in the abdomen. During this time, you will probably want to give up, but do not. Your body will thank you later.
- During the first few days of the diet, your body is getting used to not eating. You may feel weak. However, most people claim this does subsides (after a few days), and they are allowed to maintain a normal schedule.
- It will be natural to feel irritable (especially when you see other people eating), receive headaches, and become nauseous.
- Meat, eggs, and milk are not allowed during the diet, you can drink the lemonade only.
- Most people gain the weight back immediately after ending the diet.
The Lemonade Recipe
View the video for more detailed instructions on how to make the lemonade, and also learn how to make a fasting journal.
- 14 ounces of spring water (preferably room temperature).
- 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon.
- pinch of cayenne pepper, or to taste.
- 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (grade b or darker), you can substitute molasses. Shake the ingredients together, and drink.
Here is a lemonade diet review from someone who tried it
Video (9:43 minutes) The Lemon Diet
Books to read
The Complete Master Cleanse: A Step-by-Step Guide to Maximizing the Benefits of The Lemonade Diet
Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days: Take Charge of Your Health with the Master Cleanse
The Master Cleanser: With Special Needs and Problems
Celtic Ocean Int. - Fine Ground Celtic Sea Salt (Lt.Gr)1/2lb
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The color wheel chart guide for cooking recipes, and master cleanse.
Color wheel blogging is a good place to ask all of your questions and thanks Kyra Hunt
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